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Lauren Osadczuk

Initiation Chapter: Gamma Delta

Graduate Chapter: Ada Grad


What is one piece of advice you would give to young Brothers, who have just started their Kappa Psi journey? 

“My biggest advice for younger Brothers is to take advantage of every opportunity that arises within Kappa Psi. Meet every Brother you can, attend every event you're able to, and participate in any committee or initiative that interests you. I have made lifelong friends and developed, as both a pharmacist and leader, by simply saying yes to new experiences within our Brotherhood!”


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Vice Satrap

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Hannah Belfeld

Initiation Chapter: Beta Phi

Graduate Chapter: Cincinnati Grad


What is one piece of advice you would give to young Brothers, who have just started their Kappa Psi journey?

“Getting involved in GLP can open doors and make way for friendships you didn’t even think about!”



Initiation Chapter: Zeta Epsilon


Why did you decide to join Kappa Psi?

“I joined Kappa Psi because I wanted to be a part of a national community of pharmacists. I was confident that wherever my career took me, I would have Brothers that were nearby for support.”




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Initiation Chapter: Gamma Delta


Why did you decide to join the GLP Executive Committee?

“After serving in a couple of leadership positions for my local chapter, I wanted to find a way to serve the Brotherhood at a greater level and GLP Exec has allowed me to fulfill that mission!”





Initiation Chapter: Upsilon


What is one piece of advice you would give to young Brothers, who have just started their Kappa Psi journey?

“NETWORK NETWORK NETWORK!!! You may heard that pharmacy is a small world, and it truly is! Kappa Psi Brothers are here for you day and night! You never know who you may meet next! Whether it is your next boss, mentor, best friend, or lover!"


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Initiation Chapter: Zeta Epsilon


Why did you decide to join the GLP Executive Committee?

“I currently serve as my Collegiate Chapter's Historian and I was in charge of making our 'T-Swift themed' Chapter Achievement Report video for Fall Province. I really enjoyed editing it and felt like I could use some of the skills I learned through doing it, to serve on the GLP EC. This summer's GCC in Cleveland will be my first GCC, so I also wanted the opportunity to be really engaged and involved in helping with it.”





Initiation Chapter: Beta Phi


What is one piece of advice you would give to young Brothers, who have just started their Kappa Psi journey?

“Take advantage of the opportunities to get involved. There is a role for everyone. You can take a high responsibility role, such as serving on your Chapter Executive Board, serve on a committee for your Chapter, or even on a Province Committee. Go to Province! At least once. It's a great way to meet other Brothers and make friends (and connections). The Brothers in our province are amazing - get to know them! ”




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Initiation Chapter: Epsilon Theta

Graduate Chapter: Kentucky Grad


What is your favorite memory from a GLP Province Assembly? 

“All the older Brothers will remember, but the Assembly in Cleveland where Geyer got a pie to the face.”


Immediate Past Satrap

Immediate Past Satrap


Initiation Chapter: Epsilon Theta

Graduate Chapter: Columbus Grad


Why did you join Kappa Psi?

“During my first few weeks of pharmacy school, my advisor talked to me about the importance of focusing on academics while also getting involved in organizations. He talked to me about his time as a Brother and how his favorite memories of school, revolved around Kappa Psi. The stories he told really made me want to join an organization that focused on pharmacy but also had a strong Brotherhood and philanthropy focus. I had no idea what I was getting myself into but I’m so happy that I joined such a great organization, that has allowed myself to serve in a vast variety of roles. I’m still meeting new Brothers 11 years later and feel the instant pride of the Brotherhood when I do.”

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GCC Delegate

GCC Delegate

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Initiation Chapter: Upsilon

Graduate Chapter: Kentucky Grad


What is one piece of advice you would give to young Brothers, who have just started their Kappa Psi journey?

“Get involved! Whether it be at the Chapter, Province, or international level, leadership opportunities are everywhere! Even attending Province Assemblies is a great way to become more involved- plus you get to meet new Brothers. Participating in Kappa Psi has opened so many doors for me and has allowed me to meet some of my best friends!”

GCC Alt Delegate

GCC Alternate Delegate


Initiation Chapter: Zeta Epsilon


Why did you decide to join the GLP Executive Committee?

“I recognized this as an opportunity to strengthen my leadership skills and network with Brothers, extending beyond my own Chapter, to include those from other Chapters across our Province.”

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